Peer-reviewed Articles
Research Theses
In Press
Waldock C, Maire E, Albouy C, Andreoli V, Beger M, Claverie T, Cramer KL, Feary DA, Ferse SCA, Hoey A, Loiseau N, MacNeil MA, McLean M, Mellin C, Ahouansou Montcho S, Palomares ML, de la Puente S, Tupper M, Wilson S, Velez L, Zamborain-Mason J, Zeller D, Mouillot D and Pellissier L (2024) Micronutrient levels of global tropical reef fish communities differ from fisheries capture. People and Nature 7(1): 32-51. https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10736
Cappa P, Andreoli V, La C, Palacios-Abrantes J, Reygondeau G, Cheung WWL and Zeller D (2024) Climate change undermines seafood micronutrient supply from wild-capture fisheries in Southeast Asia and Pacific Island countries. Science of the Total Environment 955: 177024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177024
Cappa P, Andreoli V, Krueger K, Barrie S, La C and Zeller D (2024) Estimating fisheries catch from space: Comparing catch estimates derived from AIS fishing effort with reported catches for Indian Ocean industrial fisheries. Regional studies in Marine Science 77: 103632. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2024.103632
Sumaila UR, Alam L, Abdallah PR, Aheto D, Akintola SL, Alger J, Andreoli V, Bailey M, Barnes C, Ben-Hasan A, Brooks CM, Carvalho AR, Cheung WWL, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Dempsey J, Halim SA, Hilmi N, Ilori MO, Jacquet J, Karuaihe ST, Le Billon P, Leape J, Martin TG, Meeuwig JJ, Micheli F, Mokhtar M, Naylor RL, Obura D, Palomares MLD, Pereira LM, Rogers AA, Sequeira AMM, Sogbanmu TO, Villasante S, Zeller D, Pauly D (2024) WTO must complete an ambitious fisheries subsidies agreement. npj Ocean Sustainability 3(1):6 https://doi.org/10.1038/s44183-024-00042-0
Andreoli V, Meeuwig JJ, Skerritt DJ, Schubauer A, Sumaila UR and Zeller D (2023) Fisheries subsidies exacerbate inequities in accessing seafood nutrients in the Indian Ocean. npj Ocean Sustainability 2: 23. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44183-023-00031-9
Heidrich KN, Meeuwig JJ, Juan-Jordá MJ, Palomares MLD, Pauly D, Thompson CDH, Friedlander AM, Sala E and Zeller D (2023) Multiple lines of evidence highlight the dire straits of yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean. Ocean & Coastal Management 246: 106902. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106902
Derrick B, Burns K, Zhu A, Andreoli V, Zeller D and Pauly D (2023) Small-scale fisheries catch and fishing effort in the Socotra Archipelago (Yemen) between 1950 and 2019. Frontiers in Marine Science 10: 1201661. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1201661
Heidrich K, Meeuwig JJ and Zeller D (2023) Reconstructing past fisheries catches for large pelagic species in the Indian Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 10: 1177872 https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1177872
Zeller D, Ansell M, Andreoli V and Heidrich K (2023) Trends in Indian Ocean marine fisheries since 1950: Synthesis of reconstructed catch and effort data. Marine and Freshwater Research 74(4): 301-319. https://doi.org/10.1071/MF22148
Zeller D, Palomares MLD and Pauly D (2023) Global fisheries science documents human impacts on oceans: The Sea Around Us serves civil society in the twenty-first century. Annual Review of Marine Science 15: 147-165. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-marine-030322-113814
Heidrich K, Juan-Jorda MJ, Murua H, Thompson CDH, Meeuwig JJ and Zeller D (2022) Assessing progress in data reporting by tuna RFMOs to inform the pending UN high seas agreement. Fish & Fisheries 23:1264-1281. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12687
Obregón C, Christensen J, Zeller D, Hughes M, Tweedley JR, Gaynor A and Loneragan NR (2022) Local fisher knowledge reveals changes in size of blue swimmer crabs in small-scale fisheries. Marine Policy 143:105144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105144
Schubert A, Nyingi W, Tuda P, Aura CM, Obiero K, Manyala J, Cowx IG, Vianna GM, Ansell M, Meeuwig JJ and Zeller D (2022) Reconstructing Kenya’s total freshwater fisheries catches: 1950-2017. Marine and Freshwater Research 73(1): 57-70. https://doi.org/10.1071/MF21189
Dimarchopoulou D, Makino M, Prayoga MR, Zeller D, Vianna GMS and Humphries AT (2022) Responses in fisheries catch data to a warming ocean along a latitudinal gradient in the western Pacific Ocean. Environmental Biology of Fishes 105: 1347-1362. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-021-01162
Sumaila UR, Skerritt D, Schuhbauer A, Villasante S, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Sinan H, Burnside D, …, Zeller D, … and 288 authors (2021) WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies. Science (Letters) 374(6567): 544. http://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm1680
Zeller D, Vianna GMS, Ansell M, Coulter A, Derrick B, Greer K, Noël S-L, Palomares MLD, Zhu A and Pauly D (2021) Fishing effort and associated catch per unit effort for small-scale fisheries in the Mozambique Channel region: 1950-2016. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 707999. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.707999
Andreoli V, Bagliani M, Corsi A and Frontuto V (2021) Drivers of protein consumption: A cross-country analysis. Sustainability 13(13): 7399. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13137399
Zeller D, Ansell M, Andreoli V, Harguth H, Figueira W, Dunstan D and Jenkins LD (2021) Reconstructing historical baseline catches along Highway 101: U.S. West Coast marine fisheries, 1950-2017. Regional Studies in Marine Science 46:101897. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101897
Christ HJ, White R, Hood L, Vianna G, and Zeller D (2020) A baseline for the Blue Economy: catch and effort history in the Republic of Seychelles’ domestic fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:269. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.00269
Coulter A, Cashion T, Cisneros-Montemayor AM, Popov S, Tsui G, Sy E, Le Manach F, Palomares MLD, Zeller D and Pauly D (2020) Using harmonized historical catch data to infer the expansion of global tuna fisheries. Fisheries Research 221:105379. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105379
Freire K, Belhabib D, Espedido J, Hood L, Kleisner K, Lam V, Machado M, Mendonça JT, Meeuwig J, Moro P, Motta F, Palomares MLD, Smith N, Teh LC, Zeller D, Zylich K, Pauly D (2020) Estimating global catches of marine recreational fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.00012
Palomares MLD, Froese R, Derrick B, Meeuwig JJ, Nöel S-L, Tsui G, Woroniak J, Zeller D and Pauly D (2020) Fishery biomass trends of exploited fish populations in marine ecoregions, climatic zones and ocean basins. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 243:106896. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106896
Sumaila UR, Zeller D, Hood L, Palomares MLD, Li Y and Pauly D (2020) Illicit trade in marine fish catch and its effects on ecosystems and people worldwide. Science Advances 6(9): eaaz3801. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz3801
Vianna GM, Zeller D and Pauly D (2020) Fisheries and policy implications for human nutrition. Current Environmental Health Reports 7(3):161-169. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40572-020-00286-1
Zeller D, Hood L, Palomares MLD, Sumaila UR, Khalfallah M, Belhabib D, Woroniak J and Pauly D (2020) Comparative fishery yields of African Large Marine Ecosystems. Environmental Development 36: 100543. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2020.100543
Canty S, Funes M, Box S, Zylich K, Derrick B, Divovich E, Lindop A, Pauly D and Zeller D (2019) The hidden value of artisanal fisheries in Honduras. Fisheries Management and Ecology 26: 249-259. https://doi.org/10.1111/fme.12346
Greer K, Zeller D, Woroniak J, Coulter A, Winchester M, Palomares MLD and Pauly D (2019) Reply to Ziegler et al. “Adding perspectives to: Global trends in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fuel combustion in marine fisheries from 1950-2016” and addressing concerns of using fishing effort to predict carbon dioxide emissions. Marine Policy 107:103382. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2019.03.004
Greer K, Zeller D, Woroniak J, Coulter A, Winchester M, Palomares MLD and Pauly D (2019) Global trends in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fuel combustion in marine fisheries from 1950-2016. Marine Policy 107:103491. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2018.12.001
Pauly D and Zeller D (2019) Agreeing with FAO: Comments on SOFIA 2018. Marine Policy 100: 332-333. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2018.12.009
Popov S and Zeller D (2019) Corrigendum: Reconstructed Russian Fisheries Catches in the Barents Sea: 1950-2014. Frontiers in Marine Science 6(33): 1-2. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00033
Zeller D and Pauly D (2019) Viewpoint: Back to the Future for fisheries, where will we choose to go? Global Sustainability 2: e112.https://doi.org/10.1017/sus.2019.8
Cashion T, Al-Abdulrazzak D, Belhabib D, Derrick B, Divovich E, Moutopoulos DK, Noël S-L, Palomares MLD, Teh LCL, Zeller D and Pauly D (2018) Reconstructing global marine fishing gear use: Catches and landed values by gear type and sector. Fisheries Research 206: 57-64.
Cashion T, de la Puente S, Belhabib D, Pauly D, Zeller D and Sumaila UR (2018) Establishing company level fishing revenue and profit losses from fisheries: A bottom-up approach. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0207768.
Cashion T, Glaser S, Persson L, Roberts PM and Zeller D (2018) Fisheries in Somali waters: Reconstruction of domestic and foreign catches for 1950-2015. Marine Policy 87(C): 275-283.
Popov S and Zeller D (2018) Reconstructed Russian fisheries catches in the Barents Sea: 1950-2014. Frontiers in Marine Science 5(266).
Sala E, Mayorga J, Costello C, Kroodsma D, Palomares MLD, Pauly D, Sumaila UR and Zeller D (2018) The economics of fishing the high seas. Science Advances 4(6):eaat2504.
Tickler D, Meeuwig JJ, Bryant K, David F, Forrest JAH, Gordon E, Larsen JJ, Oh B, Pauly D, Sumaila UR and Zeller D (2018) Modern slavery and the race to fish. Nature Communications 9: 4643.
Tickler D, Meeuwig JJ, Palomares M-L, Pauly D and Zeller D (2018) Far from home: Distance patterns of global fishing fleets. Science Advances 4(8): eaar3279.
Wabnitz C, Lam VWY, Reygondeau G, Teh LCL, Al-Abdulrazzak D, Khalfallah M, Pauly D, Palomares MLD, Zeller D and Cheung WWL (2018) Climate change impacts on marine biodiversity, fisheries and society in the Arabian Gulf. PLoS ONE 13(5): e0194537.
White R, Coghlan AR, Coulter A, Palomares MLD, Pauly D and Zeller D (2018) Future of fishing for a vulnerable atoll: Trends in catch and catch-per-unit-effort in Tokelau’s domestic marine fisheries 1950–2016. Frontiers in Marine Science 5(476).
Zeller D and Pauly D (2018) The ’presentist bias’ in time-series data: implications for fisheries science and policy. Marine Policy 90: 14-19.
Zeller D, Cashion T, Palomares MLD and Pauly D (2018) Global marine fisheries discards: a synthesis of reconstructed data. Fish & Fisheries 19(1): 30-39.
Cashion T, Le Manach F, Zeller D and Pauly D (2017) Most fish destined for fishmeal production are food-grade fish. Fish and Fisheries 18(5): 837-844.
Coghlan AR, White R, Dawson TP, Irving RA, Zeller D and Palomares MLD (2017) Reconstructed marine fisheries catches at a remote island group: Pitcairn Islands (1950–2014). Frontiers in Marine Science 4:320.
Derrick B, Noranarttragoon P, Zeller D, Teh LCL and Pauly D (2017) Thailand’s missing marine fisheries catch (1950-2014). Frontiers in Marine Science 4:402.
Khalfallah M, Dimech M, Ulman A, Zeller D and Pauly D (2017) Reconstruction of marine fisheries catches for the Republic of Malta (1950-2014). Mediterranean Marine Science 18: 241-250.
Keskin Ç., Ulman A., Zylich K., Raykov V., Daskalov G.M., Pauly D, Zeller D. (2017) The marine fisheries in Bulgaria’s Exclusive Economic Zone, 1950-2013. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:53.
Léopold M, David G, Raubani J, Kaltavara J, Hood L and Zeller D (2017) The reconstruction of total marine fisheries catches for the New Hebrides and the Republic of Vanuatu, 1950-2014. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:306.
Pauly D and Zeller D (2017) Comments on FAOs State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA 2016). Marine Policy 77: 176-181.
Pauly D and Zeller D (2017) The best catch data that can possibly be? Rejoinder to Ye et al. “FAO’s Statistic Data and Sustainability of Fisheries and Aquaculture”. Marine Policy 81: 406-410.
Seto K, Belhabib D, Mamie J, Copeland D, Michael Vakily J, Seilert H, Baio A, Harper S, Zeller D, Zylich K and Pauly D (2017) War, fish, and foreign fleets: The Marine Fisheries Catches of Sierra Leone 1950-2015. Marine Policy 83:153-163.
Slooten E, Simmons G, Dawson SM, Bremner G, Thrush S, Whittaker H, McCormack F, Robertson B, Haworth N, Clarke P, Pauly D and Zeller D (2017) Evidence of bias in assessment of fisheries management impacts. PNAS 114(25): E4901-E4902.
For earlier publications of Sea Around Us research, see publications profiles of Dirk Zeller (including PDFs) or Sea Around Us – Global.
Ansell M (2020) Marine fisheries catches for mainland India from 1950-2018. MSc thesis, University of Western Australia, School of Biological Sciences, Crawley. 54 p. (Full text)
Hingley L. 2020. Conservation Implications of Land-Based Trophy Shark Fishing. MSc thesis, University of Western Australia, School of Biological Sciences, Crawley. 53 p. (Full text)
Rosengart E. 2020. Anthropogenic influences on fish assemblages in the Recherche Archipelago. MSc thesis, University of Western Australia, School of Biological Sciences, Crawley. 50 p. (Full text)
Schubert A. 2020. Rebuilding Kenya’s freshwater fisheries catch datasets: 1950-2017. MSc thesis, University of Western Australia, School of Biological Sciences, Crawley. 54 (Full text)
Yang J (2020) The untold fishing history of Timor-Leste. MSc thesis, University of Western Australia, School of Biological Sciences, Crawley. 37 p. (Full text)
McAlpine A (2019) Reconstructing domestic and foreign fishing catch in a tropical fishery: the case of Kenya (2011-2017). MSc thesis, University of Western Australia, School of Biological Sciences, Crawley. 45 p. (Full text)